Drive API . children

Instance Methods

delete(folderId=*, childId=*, enforceSingleParent=None)

Removes a child from a folder.

get(folderId=*, childId=*)

Gets a specific child reference.

insert(folderId=*, body=None, enforceSingleParent=None, supportsTeamDrives=None, supportsAllDrives=None)

Inserts a file into a folder.

list(folderId=*, orderBy=None, q=None, pageToken=None, maxResults=None)

Lists a folder's children.

list_next(previous_request=*, previous_response=*)

Retrieves the next page of results.

Method Details

delete(folderId=*, childId=*, enforceSingleParent=None)
Removes a child from a folder.

  folderId: string, The ID of the folder. (required)
  childId: string, The ID of the child. (required)
  enforceSingleParent: boolean, Set to true to opt in to API behavior that aims for all items to have exactly one parent. This parameter will only take effect if the item is not in a shared drive. If the item's last parent is removed, the item will be placed under its owner's root.
get(folderId=*, childId=*)
Gets a specific child reference.

  folderId: string, The ID of the folder. (required)
  childId: string, The ID of the child. (required)

  An object of the form:

    { # A reference to a folder's child.
      "kind": "drive#childReference", # This is always drive#childReference.
      "childLink": "A String", # A link to the child.
      "id": "A String", # The ID of the child.
      "selfLink": "A String", # A link back to this reference.
insert(folderId=*, body=None, enforceSingleParent=None, supportsTeamDrives=None, supportsAllDrives=None)
Inserts a file into a folder.

  folderId: string, The ID of the folder. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A reference to a folder's child.
    "kind": "drive#childReference", # This is always drive#childReference.
    "childLink": "A String", # A link to the child.
    "id": "A String", # The ID of the child.
    "selfLink": "A String", # A link back to this reference.

  enforceSingleParent: boolean, Set to true to opt in to API behavior that aims for all items to have exactly one parent. This parameter will only take effect if the item is not in a shared drive. If the child's owner makes the request, the child will be removed from all current folders and placed in the requested folder. Any other requests that increase the number of the child's parents will fail, except when the canAddMyDriveParent file capability is true and a single parent is being added.
  supportsTeamDrives: boolean, Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
  supportsAllDrives: boolean, Deprecated - Whether the requesting application supports both My Drives and shared drives. This parameter will only be effective until June 1, 2020. Afterwards all applications are assumed to support shared drives.

  An object of the form:

    { # A reference to a folder's child.
      "kind": "drive#childReference", # This is always drive#childReference.
      "childLink": "A String", # A link to the child.
      "id": "A String", # The ID of the child.
      "selfLink": "A String", # A link back to this reference.
list(folderId=*, orderBy=None, q=None, pageToken=None, maxResults=None)
Lists a folder's children.

  folderId: string, The ID of the folder. (required)
  orderBy: string, A comma-separated list of sort keys. Valid keys are 'createdDate', 'folder', 'lastViewedByMeDate', 'modifiedByMeDate', 'modifiedDate', 'quotaBytesUsed', 'recency', 'sharedWithMeDate', 'starred', and 'title'. Each key sorts ascending by default, but may be reversed with the 'desc' modifier. Example usage: ?orderBy=folder,modifiedDate desc,title. Please note that there is a current limitation for users with approximately one million files in which the requested sort order is ignored.
  q: string, Query string for searching children.
  pageToken: string, Page token for children.
  maxResults: integer, Maximum number of children to return.

  An object of the form:

    { # A list of children of a file.
    "nextPageToken": "A String", # The page token for the next page of children. This will be absent if the end of the children list has been reached. If the token is rejected for any reason, it should be discarded, and pagination should be restarted from the first page of results.
    "kind": "drive#childList", # This is always drive#childList.
    "items": [ # The list of children. If nextPageToken is populated, then this list may be incomplete and an additional page of results should be fetched.
      { # A reference to a folder's child.
          "kind": "drive#childReference", # This is always drive#childReference.
          "childLink": "A String", # A link to the child.
          "id": "A String", # The ID of the child.
          "selfLink": "A String", # A link back to this reference.
    "nextLink": "A String", # A link to the next page of children.
    "etag": "A String", # The ETag of the list.
    "selfLink": "A String", # A link back to this list.
list_next(previous_request=*, previous_response=*)
Retrieves the next page of results.

  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.