Google Cloud DNS API . projects

Instance Methods

get(project=*, clientOperationId=None)

Method Details

get(project=*, clientOperationId=None)

  project: string, A parameter (required)
  clientOperationId: string, A parameter

  An object of the form:

    "quota": {
      "networksPerPolicy": 42,
      "kind": "dns#quota", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dns#quota".
      "managedZonesPerNetwork": 42,
      "totalRrdataSizePerChange": 42,
      "resourceRecordsPerRrset": 42,
      "targetNameServersPerManagedZone": 42,
      "dnsKeysPerManagedZone": 42,
      "rrsetsPerManagedZone": 42,
      "rrsetAdditionsPerChange": 42,
      "policies": 42,
      "targetNameServersPerPolicy": 42,
      "rrsetDeletionsPerChange": 42,
      "managedZones": 42,
      "networksPerManagedZone": 42,
      "whitelistedKeySpecs": [
          "keyType": "A String",
          "keyLength": 42,
          "kind": "dns#dnsKeySpec", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dns#dnsKeySpec".
          "algorithm": "A String",
    "kind": "dns#project", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dns#project".
    "id": "A String",
    "number": "A String",