calendar  v3
 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables Enumerations Properties Events
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
  | oNData
  | |oCAcl
  | |oCAclRule
  | ||\CScopeDataThe scope of the rule.
  | |oCCalendar
  | |oCCalendarList
  | |oCCalendarListEntry
  | ||\CNotificationSettingsDataThe notifications that the authenticated user is receiving for this calendar.
  | |oCCalendarNotification
  | |oCChannel
  | |oCColorDefinition
  | |oCColors
  | |oCError
  | |oCEvent
  | ||oCCreatorDataThe creator of the event. Read-only.
  | ||oCExtendedPropertiesDataExtended properties of the event.
  | ||oCGadgetDataA gadget that extends this event.
  | ||oCOrganizerDataThe organizer of the event. If the organizer is also an attendee, this is indicated with a separate entry in attendees with the organizer field set to True. To change the organizer, use the move operation. Read-only, except when importing an event.
  | ||oCRemindersDataInformation about the event's reminders for the authenticated user.
  | ||\CSourceDataSource of an event from which it was created; for example a web page, an email message or any document identifiable by an URL using HTTP/HTTPS protocol. Accessible only by the creator of the event.
  | |oCEventAttendee
  | |oCEventDateTime
  | |oCEventReminder
  | |oCEvents
  | |oCFreeBusyCalendar
  | |oCFreeBusyGroup
  | |oCFreeBusyRequest
  | |oCFreeBusyRequestItem
  | |oCFreeBusyResponse
  | |oCSetting
  | |oCSettings
  | |\CTimePeriod
  | oCCalendarServiceThe Calendar Service.
  | oCCalendarBaseServiceRequestA base abstract class for Calendar requests.
  | oCAclResourceThe "acl" collection of methods.
  | |oCDeleteRequestDeletes an access control rule.
  | |oCGetRequestReturns an access control rule.
  | |oCInsertRequestCreates an access control rule.
  | |oCListRequestReturns the rules in the access control list for the calendar.
  | |oCPatchRequestUpdates an access control rule. This method supports patch semantics.
  | |oCUpdateRequestUpdates an access control rule.
  | |\CWatchRequestWatch for changes to ACL resources.
  | oCCalendarListResourceThe "calendarList" collection of methods.
  | |oCDeleteRequestDeletes an entry on the user's calendar list.
  | |oCGetRequestReturns an entry on the user's calendar list.
  | |oCInsertRequestAdds an entry to the user's calendar list.
  | |oCListRequestReturns entries on the user's calendar list.
  | |oCPatchRequestUpdates an entry on the user's calendar list. This method supports patch semantics.
  | |oCUpdateRequestUpdates an entry on the user's calendar list.
  | |\CWatchRequestWatch for changes to CalendarList resources.
  | oCCalendarsResourceThe "calendars" collection of methods.
  | |oCClearRequestClears a primary calendar. This operation deletes all data associated with the primary calendar of an account and cannot be undone.
  | |oCDeleteRequestDeletes a secondary calendar.
  | |oCGetRequestReturns metadata for a calendar.
  | |oCInsertRequestCreates a secondary calendar.
  | |oCPatchRequestUpdates metadata for a calendar. This method supports patch semantics.
  | |\CUpdateRequestUpdates metadata for a calendar.
  | oCChannelsResourceThe "channels" collection of methods.
  | |\CStopRequestStop watching resources through this channel
  | oCColorsResourceThe "colors" collection of methods.
  | |\CGetRequestReturns the color definitions for calendars and events.
  | oCEventsResourceThe "events" collection of methods.
  | |oCDeleteRequestDeletes an event.
  | |oCGetRequestReturns an event.
  | |oCImportRequestImports an event. This operation is used to add a private copy of an existing event to a calendar.
  | |oCInsertRequestCreates an event.
  | |oCInstancesRequestReturns instances of the specified recurring event.
  | |oCListRequestReturns events on the specified calendar.
  | |oCMoveRequestMoves an event to another calendar, i.e. changes an event's organizer.
  | |oCPatchRequestUpdates an event. This method supports patch semantics.
  | |oCQuickAddRequestCreates an event based on a simple text string.
  | |oCUpdateRequestUpdates an event.
  | |\CWatchRequestWatch for changes to Events resources.
  | oCFreebusyResourceThe "freebusy" collection of methods.
  | |\CQueryRequestReturns free/busy information for a set of calendars.
  | \CSettingsResourceThe "settings" collection of methods.
  |  oCGetRequestReturns a single user setting.
  |  oCListRequestReturns all user settings for the authenticated user.
  |  \CWatchRequestWatch for changes to Settings resources.