Books API . series

Instance Methods


Returns the membership Resource.


Returns Series metadata for the given series ids.

Method Details

Returns Series metadata for the given series ids.

  series_id: string, String that identifies the series (required) (repeated)

  An object of the form:

    "series": [
        "seriesId": "A String",
        "bannerImageUrl": "A String",
        "title": "A String",
        "imageUrl": "A String",
        "seriesFormatType": "A String",
        "isComplete": True or False,
        "subscriptionId": "A String",
        "eligibleForSubscription": True or False,
        "seriesType": "A String",
        "seriesSubscriptionReleaseInfo": {
          "cancellationTimestampUs": "A String", # Cancellation date of the series subscription (or when it ends).
          "currentReleaseInfo": { # Release information for the last release.
            "currencyCode": "A String", # Currency code of the amount.
            "releaseTimestampUs": "A String", # The release date.
            "amountInMicros": "A String", # Amount in micros of the specified currency code.
            "releaseNumber": "A String", # The release number of this issue/volume/book.
          "seriesSubscriptionType": "A String", # series subscription type.
          "nextReleaseInfo": { # Release information for the next release.
            "currencyCode": "A String", # Currency code of the amount.
            "releaseTimestampUs": "A String", # The release date.
            "amountInMicros": "A String", # Amount in micros of the specified currency code.
            "releaseNumber": "A String", # The release number of this issue/volume/book.
    "kind": "books#series", # Resource type.