Admin Directory API . roles

Instance Methods

delete(customer=*, roleId=*)

Deletes a role.

get(customer=*, roleId=*)

Retrieves a role.

insert(customer=*, body=None)

Creates a role.

list(customer=*, pageToken=None, maxResults=None)

Retrieves a paginated list of all the roles in a domain.

list_next(previous_request=*, previous_response=*)

Retrieves the next page of results.

patch(customer=*, roleId=*, body=None)

Updates a role. This method supports patch semantics.

update(customer=*, roleId=*, body=None)

Updates a role.

Method Details

delete(customer=*, roleId=*)
Deletes a role.

  customer: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account. (required)
  roleId: string, Immutable ID of the role. (required)
get(customer=*, roleId=*)
Retrieves a role.

  customer: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account. (required)
  roleId: string, Immutable ID of the role. (required)

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for role resource in Directory API.
      "kind": "admin#directory#role", # The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#role.
      "roleId": "A String", # ID of the role.
      "roleDescription": "A String", # A short description of the role.
      "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
      "isSuperAdminRole": True or False, # Returns true if the role is a super admin role.
      "roleName": "A String", # Name of the role.
      "isSystemRole": True or False, # Returns true if this is a pre-defined system role.
      "rolePrivileges": [ # The set of privileges that are granted to this role.
          "serviceId": "A String", # The obfuscated ID of the service this privilege is for. This value is returned with Privileges.list().
          "privilegeName": "A String", # The name of the privilege.
insert(customer=*, body=None)
Creates a role.

  customer: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON template for role resource in Directory API.
    "kind": "admin#directory#role", # The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#role.
    "roleId": "A String", # ID of the role.
    "roleDescription": "A String", # A short description of the role.
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
    "isSuperAdminRole": True or False, # Returns true if the role is a super admin role.
    "roleName": "A String", # Name of the role.
    "isSystemRole": True or False, # Returns true if this is a pre-defined system role.
    "rolePrivileges": [ # The set of privileges that are granted to this role.
        "serviceId": "A String", # The obfuscated ID of the service this privilege is for. This value is returned with Privileges.list().
        "privilegeName": "A String", # The name of the privilege.

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for role resource in Directory API.
      "kind": "admin#directory#role", # The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#role.
      "roleId": "A String", # ID of the role.
      "roleDescription": "A String", # A short description of the role.
      "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
      "isSuperAdminRole": True or False, # Returns true if the role is a super admin role.
      "roleName": "A String", # Name of the role.
      "isSystemRole": True or False, # Returns true if this is a pre-defined system role.
      "rolePrivileges": [ # The set of privileges that are granted to this role.
          "serviceId": "A String", # The obfuscated ID of the service this privilege is for. This value is returned with Privileges.list().
          "privilegeName": "A String", # The name of the privilege.
list(customer=*, pageToken=None, maxResults=None)
Retrieves a paginated list of all the roles in a domain.

  customer: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account. (required)
  pageToken: string, Token to specify the next page in the list.
  maxResults: integer, Maximum number of results to return.

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON response template for List roles operation in Directory API.
    "nextPageToken": "A String",
    "items": [ # A list of Role resources.
      { # JSON template for role resource in Directory API.
          "kind": "admin#directory#role", # The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#role.
          "roleId": "A String", # ID of the role.
          "roleDescription": "A String", # A short description of the role.
          "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
          "isSuperAdminRole": True or False, # Returns true if the role is a super admin role.
          "roleName": "A String", # Name of the role.
          "isSystemRole": True or False, # Returns true if this is a pre-defined system role.
          "rolePrivileges": [ # The set of privileges that are granted to this role.
              "serviceId": "A String", # The obfuscated ID of the service this privilege is for. This value is returned with Privileges.list().
              "privilegeName": "A String", # The name of the privilege.
    "kind": "admin#directory#roles", # The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#roles.
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
list_next(previous_request=*, previous_response=*)
Retrieves the next page of results.

  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
patch(customer=*, roleId=*, body=None)
Updates a role. This method supports patch semantics.

  customer: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account. (required)
  roleId: string, Immutable ID of the role. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON template for role resource in Directory API.
    "kind": "admin#directory#role", # The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#role.
    "roleId": "A String", # ID of the role.
    "roleDescription": "A String", # A short description of the role.
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
    "isSuperAdminRole": True or False, # Returns true if the role is a super admin role.
    "roleName": "A String", # Name of the role.
    "isSystemRole": True or False, # Returns true if this is a pre-defined system role.
    "rolePrivileges": [ # The set of privileges that are granted to this role.
        "serviceId": "A String", # The obfuscated ID of the service this privilege is for. This value is returned with Privileges.list().
        "privilegeName": "A String", # The name of the privilege.

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for role resource in Directory API.
      "kind": "admin#directory#role", # The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#role.
      "roleId": "A String", # ID of the role.
      "roleDescription": "A String", # A short description of the role.
      "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
      "isSuperAdminRole": True or False, # Returns true if the role is a super admin role.
      "roleName": "A String", # Name of the role.
      "isSystemRole": True or False, # Returns true if this is a pre-defined system role.
      "rolePrivileges": [ # The set of privileges that are granted to this role.
          "serviceId": "A String", # The obfuscated ID of the service this privilege is for. This value is returned with Privileges.list().
          "privilegeName": "A String", # The name of the privilege.
update(customer=*, roleId=*, body=None)
Updates a role.

  customer: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account. (required)
  roleId: string, Immutable ID of the role. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON template for role resource in Directory API.
    "kind": "admin#directory#role", # The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#role.
    "roleId": "A String", # ID of the role.
    "roleDescription": "A String", # A short description of the role.
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
    "isSuperAdminRole": True or False, # Returns true if the role is a super admin role.
    "roleName": "A String", # Name of the role.
    "isSystemRole": True or False, # Returns true if this is a pre-defined system role.
    "rolePrivileges": [ # The set of privileges that are granted to this role.
        "serviceId": "A String", # The obfuscated ID of the service this privilege is for. This value is returned with Privileges.list().
        "privilegeName": "A String", # The name of the privilege.

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for role resource in Directory API.
      "kind": "admin#directory#role", # The type of the API resource. This is always admin#directory#role.
      "roleId": "A String", # ID of the role.
      "roleDescription": "A String", # A short description of the role.
      "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
      "isSuperAdminRole": True or False, # Returns true if the role is a super admin role.
      "roleName": "A String", # Name of the role.
      "isSystemRole": True or False, # Returns true if this is a pre-defined system role.
      "rolePrivileges": [ # The set of privileges that are granted to this role.
          "serviceId": "A String", # The obfuscated ID of the service this privilege is for. This value is returned with Privileges.list().
          "privilegeName": "A String", # The name of the privilege.