Admin Directory API . chromeosdevices

Instance Methods

action(customerId=*, resourceId=*, body=None)

Take action on Chrome OS Device

get(customerId=*, deviceId=*, projection=None)

Retrieve Chrome OS Device

list(customerId=*, orderBy=None, projection=None, pageToken=None, maxResults=None, sortOrder=None, query=None, orgUnitPath=None)

Retrieve all Chrome OS Devices of a customer (paginated)

list_next(previous_request=*, previous_response=*)

Retrieves the next page of results.

moveDevicesToOu(customerId=*, orgUnitPath=*, body=None)

Move or insert multiple Chrome OS Devices to organizational unit

patch(customerId=*, deviceId=*, body=None, projection=None)

Update Chrome OS Device. This method supports patch semantics.

update(customerId=*, deviceId=*, body=None, projection=None)

Update Chrome OS Device

Method Details

action(customerId=*, resourceId=*, body=None)
Take action on Chrome OS Device

  customerId: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account (required)
  resourceId: string, Immutable ID of Chrome OS Device (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON request template for firing actions on ChromeOs Device in Directory Devices API.
    "action": "A String", # Action to be taken on the ChromeOs Device
    "deprovisionReason": "A String",

get(customerId=*, deviceId=*, projection=None)
Retrieve Chrome OS Device

  customerId: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account (required)
  deviceId: string, Immutable ID of Chrome OS Device (required)
  projection: string, Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.
    Allowed values
      BASIC - Includes only the basic metadata fields (e.g., deviceId, serialNumber, status, and user)
      FULL - Includes all metadata fields

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for Chrome Os Device resource in Directory API.
    "macAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on wifi network interface (Read-only)
    "lastSync": "A String", # Date and time the device was last synchronized with the policy settings in the G Suite administrator control panel (Read-only)
    "orderNumber": "A String", # Chromebook order number (Read-only)
    "annotatedLocation": "A String", # Address or location of the device as noted by the administrator
    "activeTimeRanges": [ # List of active time ranges (Read-only)
        "date": "A String", # Date of usage
        "activeTime": 42, # Duration in milliseconds
    "systemRamFreeReports": [ # Reports of amounts of available RAM memory (Read-only)
        "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
        "systemRamFreeInfo": [
          "A String",
    "annotatedAssetId": "A String", # AssetId specified during enrollment or through later annotation
    "firmwareVersion": "A String", # Chromebook firmware version (Read-only)
    "osVersion": "A String", # Chromebook Os Version (Read-only)
    "autoUpdateExpiration": "A String", # (Read-only) The timestamp after which the device will stop receiving Chrome updates or support
    "ethernetMacAddress0": "A String", # (Read-only) MAC address used by the Chromebook’s internal ethernet port, and for onboard network (ethernet) interface. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for some devices.
    "bootMode": "A String", # Chromebook boot mode (Read-only)
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
    "orgUnitPath": "A String", # OrgUnit of the device
    "recentUsers": [ # List of recent device users, in descending order by last login time (Read-only)
        "type": "A String", # The type of the user
        "email": "A String", # Email address of the user. Present only if the user type is managed
    "willAutoRenew": True or False, # Will Chromebook auto renew after support end date (Read-only)
    "ethernetMacAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on ethernet network interface (Read-only)
    "meid": "A String", # Contains either the Mobile Equipment identifier (MEID) or the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) for the 3G mobile card in the Chromebook (Read-only)
    "annotatedUser": "A String", # User of the device
    "systemRamTotal": "A String", # Total RAM on the device [in bytes] (Read-only)
    "cpuStatusReports": [ # Reports of CPU utilization and temperature (Read-only)
        "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
        "cpuUtilizationPercentageInfo": [
        "cpuTemperatureInfo": [ # List of CPU temperature samples.
            "temperature": 42, # Temperature in Celsius degrees.
            "label": "A String", # CPU label
    "platformVersion": "A String", # Chromebook platform version (Read-only)
    "diskVolumeReports": [ # Reports of disk space and other info about mounted/connected volumes.
        "volumeInfo": [ # Disk volumes
            "volumeId": "A String", # Volume id
            "storageFree": "A String", # Free disk space [in bytes]
            "storageTotal": "A String", # Total disk space [in bytes]
    "dockMacAddress": "A String", # (Read-only) Built-in MAC address for the docking station that the device connected to. Factory sets Media access control address (MAC address) assigned for use by a dock. Currently this is only supported on the Dell Arcada / Sarien devices and the Dell WD19 / WD19TB Docking Station. It is reserved specifically for MAC pass through device policy. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for Dell devices.
    "lastEnrollmentTime": "A String", # Date and time the device was last enrolled (Read-only)
    "kind": "admin#directory#chromeosdevice", # Kind of resource this is.
    "deviceFiles": [ # List of device files to download (Read-only)
        "downloadUrl": "A String", # File download URL
        "type": "A String", # File type
        "createTime": "A String", # Date and time the file was created
        "name": "A String", # File name
    "notes": "A String", # Notes added by the administrator
    "serialNumber": "A String", # Chromebook serial number (Read-only)
    "manufactureDate": "A String", # (Read-only) The date the device was manufactured in yyyy-mm-dd format.
    "status": "A String", # status of the device (Read-only)
    "supportEndDate": "A String", # Final date the device will be supported (Read-only)
    "tpmVersionInfo": { # Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (Read-only)
      "specLevel": "A String", # TPM specification level.
      "tpmModel": "A String", # TPM model number.
      "vendorSpecific": "A String", # Vendor-specific information such as Vendor ID.
      "family": "A String", # TPM family.
      "firmwareVersion": "A String", # TPM firmware version.
      "manufacturer": "A String", # TPM manufacturer code.
    "model": "A String", # Chromebook Model (Read-only)
    "deviceId": "A String", # Unique identifier of Chrome OS Device (Read-only)
list(customerId=*, orderBy=None, projection=None, pageToken=None, maxResults=None, sortOrder=None, query=None, orgUnitPath=None)
Retrieve all Chrome OS Devices of a customer (paginated)

  customerId: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account (required)
  orderBy: string, Column to use for sorting results
    Allowed values
      annotatedLocation - Chromebook location as annotated by the administrator.
      annotatedUser - Chromebook user as annotated by administrator.
      lastSync - Chromebook last sync.
      notes - Chromebook notes as annotated by the administrator.
      serialNumber - Chromebook Serial Number.
      status - Chromebook status.
      supportEndDate - Chromebook support end date.
  projection: string, Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.
    Allowed values
      BASIC - Includes only the basic metadata fields (e.g., deviceId, serialNumber, status, and user)
      FULL - Includes all metadata fields
  pageToken: string, Token to specify next page in the list
  maxResults: integer, Maximum number of results to return. Max allowed value is 200.
  sortOrder: string, Whether to return results in ascending or descending order. Only of use when orderBy is also used
    Allowed values
      ASCENDING - Ascending order.
      DESCENDING - Descending order.
  query: string, Search string in the format given at
  orgUnitPath: string, Full path of the organizational unit or its ID

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON response template for List Chrome OS Devices operation in Directory API.
    "nextPageToken": "A String", # Token used to access next page of this result.
    "chromeosdevices": [ # List of Chrome OS Device objects.
      { # JSON template for Chrome Os Device resource in Directory API.
        "macAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on wifi network interface (Read-only)
        "lastSync": "A String", # Date and time the device was last synchronized with the policy settings in the G Suite administrator control panel (Read-only)
        "orderNumber": "A String", # Chromebook order number (Read-only)
        "annotatedLocation": "A String", # Address or location of the device as noted by the administrator
        "activeTimeRanges": [ # List of active time ranges (Read-only)
            "date": "A String", # Date of usage
            "activeTime": 42, # Duration in milliseconds
        "systemRamFreeReports": [ # Reports of amounts of available RAM memory (Read-only)
            "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
            "systemRamFreeInfo": [
              "A String",
        "annotatedAssetId": "A String", # AssetId specified during enrollment or through later annotation
        "firmwareVersion": "A String", # Chromebook firmware version (Read-only)
        "osVersion": "A String", # Chromebook Os Version (Read-only)
        "autoUpdateExpiration": "A String", # (Read-only) The timestamp after which the device will stop receiving Chrome updates or support
        "ethernetMacAddress0": "A String", # (Read-only) MAC address used by the Chromebook’s internal ethernet port, and for onboard network (ethernet) interface. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for some devices.
        "bootMode": "A String", # Chromebook boot mode (Read-only)
        "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
        "orgUnitPath": "A String", # OrgUnit of the device
        "recentUsers": [ # List of recent device users, in descending order by last login time (Read-only)
            "type": "A String", # The type of the user
            "email": "A String", # Email address of the user. Present only if the user type is managed
        "willAutoRenew": True or False, # Will Chromebook auto renew after support end date (Read-only)
        "ethernetMacAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on ethernet network interface (Read-only)
        "meid": "A String", # Contains either the Mobile Equipment identifier (MEID) or the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) for the 3G mobile card in the Chromebook (Read-only)
        "annotatedUser": "A String", # User of the device
        "systemRamTotal": "A String", # Total RAM on the device [in bytes] (Read-only)
        "cpuStatusReports": [ # Reports of CPU utilization and temperature (Read-only)
            "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
            "cpuUtilizationPercentageInfo": [
            "cpuTemperatureInfo": [ # List of CPU temperature samples.
                "temperature": 42, # Temperature in Celsius degrees.
                "label": "A String", # CPU label
        "platformVersion": "A String", # Chromebook platform version (Read-only)
        "diskVolumeReports": [ # Reports of disk space and other info about mounted/connected volumes.
            "volumeInfo": [ # Disk volumes
                "volumeId": "A String", # Volume id
                "storageFree": "A String", # Free disk space [in bytes]
                "storageTotal": "A String", # Total disk space [in bytes]
        "dockMacAddress": "A String", # (Read-only) Built-in MAC address for the docking station that the device connected to. Factory sets Media access control address (MAC address) assigned for use by a dock. Currently this is only supported on the Dell Arcada / Sarien devices and the Dell WD19 / WD19TB Docking Station. It is reserved specifically for MAC pass through device policy. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for Dell devices.
        "lastEnrollmentTime": "A String", # Date and time the device was last enrolled (Read-only)
        "kind": "admin#directory#chromeosdevice", # Kind of resource this is.
        "deviceFiles": [ # List of device files to download (Read-only)
            "downloadUrl": "A String", # File download URL
            "type": "A String", # File type
            "createTime": "A String", # Date and time the file was created
            "name": "A String", # File name
        "notes": "A String", # Notes added by the administrator
        "serialNumber": "A String", # Chromebook serial number (Read-only)
        "manufactureDate": "A String", # (Read-only) The date the device was manufactured in yyyy-mm-dd format.
        "status": "A String", # status of the device (Read-only)
        "supportEndDate": "A String", # Final date the device will be supported (Read-only)
        "tpmVersionInfo": { # Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (Read-only)
          "specLevel": "A String", # TPM specification level.
          "tpmModel": "A String", # TPM model number.
          "vendorSpecific": "A String", # Vendor-specific information such as Vendor ID.
          "family": "A String", # TPM family.
          "firmwareVersion": "A String", # TPM firmware version.
          "manufacturer": "A String", # TPM manufacturer code.
        "model": "A String", # Chromebook Model (Read-only)
        "deviceId": "A String", # Unique identifier of Chrome OS Device (Read-only)
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
    "kind": "admin#directory#chromeosdevices", # Kind of resource this is.
list_next(previous_request=*, previous_response=*)
Retrieves the next page of results.

  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
moveDevicesToOu(customerId=*, orgUnitPath=*, body=None)
Move or insert multiple Chrome OS Devices to organizational unit

  customerId: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account (required)
  orgUnitPath: string, Full path of the target organizational unit or its ID (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON request template for moving ChromeOs Device to given OU in Directory Devices API.
    "deviceIds": [ # ChromeOs Devices to be moved to OU
      "A String",

patch(customerId=*, deviceId=*, body=None, projection=None)
Update Chrome OS Device. This method supports patch semantics.

  customerId: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account (required)
  deviceId: string, Immutable ID of Chrome OS Device (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON template for Chrome Os Device resource in Directory API.
  "macAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on wifi network interface (Read-only)
  "lastSync": "A String", # Date and time the device was last synchronized with the policy settings in the G Suite administrator control panel (Read-only)
  "orderNumber": "A String", # Chromebook order number (Read-only)
  "annotatedLocation": "A String", # Address or location of the device as noted by the administrator
  "activeTimeRanges": [ # List of active time ranges (Read-only)
      "date": "A String", # Date of usage
      "activeTime": 42, # Duration in milliseconds
  "systemRamFreeReports": [ # Reports of amounts of available RAM memory (Read-only)
      "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
      "systemRamFreeInfo": [
        "A String",
  "annotatedAssetId": "A String", # AssetId specified during enrollment or through later annotation
  "firmwareVersion": "A String", # Chromebook firmware version (Read-only)
  "osVersion": "A String", # Chromebook Os Version (Read-only)
  "autoUpdateExpiration": "A String", # (Read-only) The timestamp after which the device will stop receiving Chrome updates or support
  "ethernetMacAddress0": "A String", # (Read-only) MAC address used by the Chromebook’s internal ethernet port, and for onboard network (ethernet) interface. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for some devices.
  "bootMode": "A String", # Chromebook boot mode (Read-only)
  "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
  "orgUnitPath": "A String", # OrgUnit of the device
  "recentUsers": [ # List of recent device users, in descending order by last login time (Read-only)
      "type": "A String", # The type of the user
      "email": "A String", # Email address of the user. Present only if the user type is managed
  "willAutoRenew": True or False, # Will Chromebook auto renew after support end date (Read-only)
  "ethernetMacAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on ethernet network interface (Read-only)
  "meid": "A String", # Contains either the Mobile Equipment identifier (MEID) or the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) for the 3G mobile card in the Chromebook (Read-only)
  "annotatedUser": "A String", # User of the device
  "systemRamTotal": "A String", # Total RAM on the device [in bytes] (Read-only)
  "cpuStatusReports": [ # Reports of CPU utilization and temperature (Read-only)
      "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
      "cpuUtilizationPercentageInfo": [
      "cpuTemperatureInfo": [ # List of CPU temperature samples.
          "temperature": 42, # Temperature in Celsius degrees.
          "label": "A String", # CPU label
  "platformVersion": "A String", # Chromebook platform version (Read-only)
  "diskVolumeReports": [ # Reports of disk space and other info about mounted/connected volumes.
      "volumeInfo": [ # Disk volumes
          "volumeId": "A String", # Volume id
          "storageFree": "A String", # Free disk space [in bytes]
          "storageTotal": "A String", # Total disk space [in bytes]
  "dockMacAddress": "A String", # (Read-only) Built-in MAC address for the docking station that the device connected to. Factory sets Media access control address (MAC address) assigned for use by a dock. Currently this is only supported on the Dell Arcada / Sarien devices and the Dell WD19 / WD19TB Docking Station. It is reserved specifically for MAC pass through device policy. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for Dell devices.
  "lastEnrollmentTime": "A String", # Date and time the device was last enrolled (Read-only)
  "kind": "admin#directory#chromeosdevice", # Kind of resource this is.
  "deviceFiles": [ # List of device files to download (Read-only)
      "downloadUrl": "A String", # File download URL
      "type": "A String", # File type
      "createTime": "A String", # Date and time the file was created
      "name": "A String", # File name
  "notes": "A String", # Notes added by the administrator
  "serialNumber": "A String", # Chromebook serial number (Read-only)
  "manufactureDate": "A String", # (Read-only) The date the device was manufactured in yyyy-mm-dd format.
  "status": "A String", # status of the device (Read-only)
  "supportEndDate": "A String", # Final date the device will be supported (Read-only)
  "tpmVersionInfo": { # Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (Read-only)
    "specLevel": "A String", # TPM specification level.
    "tpmModel": "A String", # TPM model number.
    "vendorSpecific": "A String", # Vendor-specific information such as Vendor ID.
    "family": "A String", # TPM family.
    "firmwareVersion": "A String", # TPM firmware version.
    "manufacturer": "A String", # TPM manufacturer code.
  "model": "A String", # Chromebook Model (Read-only)
  "deviceId": "A String", # Unique identifier of Chrome OS Device (Read-only)

  projection: string, Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.
    Allowed values
      BASIC - Includes only the basic metadata fields (e.g., deviceId, serialNumber, status, and user)
      FULL - Includes all metadata fields

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for Chrome Os Device resource in Directory API.
    "macAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on wifi network interface (Read-only)
    "lastSync": "A String", # Date and time the device was last synchronized with the policy settings in the G Suite administrator control panel (Read-only)
    "orderNumber": "A String", # Chromebook order number (Read-only)
    "annotatedLocation": "A String", # Address or location of the device as noted by the administrator
    "activeTimeRanges": [ # List of active time ranges (Read-only)
        "date": "A String", # Date of usage
        "activeTime": 42, # Duration in milliseconds
    "systemRamFreeReports": [ # Reports of amounts of available RAM memory (Read-only)
        "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
        "systemRamFreeInfo": [
          "A String",
    "annotatedAssetId": "A String", # AssetId specified during enrollment or through later annotation
    "firmwareVersion": "A String", # Chromebook firmware version (Read-only)
    "osVersion": "A String", # Chromebook Os Version (Read-only)
    "autoUpdateExpiration": "A String", # (Read-only) The timestamp after which the device will stop receiving Chrome updates or support
    "ethernetMacAddress0": "A String", # (Read-only) MAC address used by the Chromebook’s internal ethernet port, and for onboard network (ethernet) interface. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for some devices.
    "bootMode": "A String", # Chromebook boot mode (Read-only)
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
    "orgUnitPath": "A String", # OrgUnit of the device
    "recentUsers": [ # List of recent device users, in descending order by last login time (Read-only)
        "type": "A String", # The type of the user
        "email": "A String", # Email address of the user. Present only if the user type is managed
    "willAutoRenew": True or False, # Will Chromebook auto renew after support end date (Read-only)
    "ethernetMacAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on ethernet network interface (Read-only)
    "meid": "A String", # Contains either the Mobile Equipment identifier (MEID) or the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) for the 3G mobile card in the Chromebook (Read-only)
    "annotatedUser": "A String", # User of the device
    "systemRamTotal": "A String", # Total RAM on the device [in bytes] (Read-only)
    "cpuStatusReports": [ # Reports of CPU utilization and temperature (Read-only)
        "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
        "cpuUtilizationPercentageInfo": [
        "cpuTemperatureInfo": [ # List of CPU temperature samples.
            "temperature": 42, # Temperature in Celsius degrees.
            "label": "A String", # CPU label
    "platformVersion": "A String", # Chromebook platform version (Read-only)
    "diskVolumeReports": [ # Reports of disk space and other info about mounted/connected volumes.
        "volumeInfo": [ # Disk volumes
            "volumeId": "A String", # Volume id
            "storageFree": "A String", # Free disk space [in bytes]
            "storageTotal": "A String", # Total disk space [in bytes]
    "dockMacAddress": "A String", # (Read-only) Built-in MAC address for the docking station that the device connected to. Factory sets Media access control address (MAC address) assigned for use by a dock. Currently this is only supported on the Dell Arcada / Sarien devices and the Dell WD19 / WD19TB Docking Station. It is reserved specifically for MAC pass through device policy. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for Dell devices.
    "lastEnrollmentTime": "A String", # Date and time the device was last enrolled (Read-only)
    "kind": "admin#directory#chromeosdevice", # Kind of resource this is.
    "deviceFiles": [ # List of device files to download (Read-only)
        "downloadUrl": "A String", # File download URL
        "type": "A String", # File type
        "createTime": "A String", # Date and time the file was created
        "name": "A String", # File name
    "notes": "A String", # Notes added by the administrator
    "serialNumber": "A String", # Chromebook serial number (Read-only)
    "manufactureDate": "A String", # (Read-only) The date the device was manufactured in yyyy-mm-dd format.
    "status": "A String", # status of the device (Read-only)
    "supportEndDate": "A String", # Final date the device will be supported (Read-only)
    "tpmVersionInfo": { # Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (Read-only)
      "specLevel": "A String", # TPM specification level.
      "tpmModel": "A String", # TPM model number.
      "vendorSpecific": "A String", # Vendor-specific information such as Vendor ID.
      "family": "A String", # TPM family.
      "firmwareVersion": "A String", # TPM firmware version.
      "manufacturer": "A String", # TPM manufacturer code.
    "model": "A String", # Chromebook Model (Read-only)
    "deviceId": "A String", # Unique identifier of Chrome OS Device (Read-only)
update(customerId=*, deviceId=*, body=None, projection=None)
Update Chrome OS Device

  customerId: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account (required)
  deviceId: string, Immutable ID of Chrome OS Device (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON template for Chrome Os Device resource in Directory API.
  "macAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on wifi network interface (Read-only)
  "lastSync": "A String", # Date and time the device was last synchronized with the policy settings in the G Suite administrator control panel (Read-only)
  "orderNumber": "A String", # Chromebook order number (Read-only)
  "annotatedLocation": "A String", # Address or location of the device as noted by the administrator
  "activeTimeRanges": [ # List of active time ranges (Read-only)
      "date": "A String", # Date of usage
      "activeTime": 42, # Duration in milliseconds
  "systemRamFreeReports": [ # Reports of amounts of available RAM memory (Read-only)
      "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
      "systemRamFreeInfo": [
        "A String",
  "annotatedAssetId": "A String", # AssetId specified during enrollment or through later annotation
  "firmwareVersion": "A String", # Chromebook firmware version (Read-only)
  "osVersion": "A String", # Chromebook Os Version (Read-only)
  "autoUpdateExpiration": "A String", # (Read-only) The timestamp after which the device will stop receiving Chrome updates or support
  "ethernetMacAddress0": "A String", # (Read-only) MAC address used by the Chromebook’s internal ethernet port, and for onboard network (ethernet) interface. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for some devices.
  "bootMode": "A String", # Chromebook boot mode (Read-only)
  "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
  "orgUnitPath": "A String", # OrgUnit of the device
  "recentUsers": [ # List of recent device users, in descending order by last login time (Read-only)
      "type": "A String", # The type of the user
      "email": "A String", # Email address of the user. Present only if the user type is managed
  "willAutoRenew": True or False, # Will Chromebook auto renew after support end date (Read-only)
  "ethernetMacAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on ethernet network interface (Read-only)
  "meid": "A String", # Contains either the Mobile Equipment identifier (MEID) or the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) for the 3G mobile card in the Chromebook (Read-only)
  "annotatedUser": "A String", # User of the device
  "systemRamTotal": "A String", # Total RAM on the device [in bytes] (Read-only)
  "cpuStatusReports": [ # Reports of CPU utilization and temperature (Read-only)
      "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
      "cpuUtilizationPercentageInfo": [
      "cpuTemperatureInfo": [ # List of CPU temperature samples.
          "temperature": 42, # Temperature in Celsius degrees.
          "label": "A String", # CPU label
  "platformVersion": "A String", # Chromebook platform version (Read-only)
  "diskVolumeReports": [ # Reports of disk space and other info about mounted/connected volumes.
      "volumeInfo": [ # Disk volumes
          "volumeId": "A String", # Volume id
          "storageFree": "A String", # Free disk space [in bytes]
          "storageTotal": "A String", # Total disk space [in bytes]
  "dockMacAddress": "A String", # (Read-only) Built-in MAC address for the docking station that the device connected to. Factory sets Media access control address (MAC address) assigned for use by a dock. Currently this is only supported on the Dell Arcada / Sarien devices and the Dell WD19 / WD19TB Docking Station. It is reserved specifically for MAC pass through device policy. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for Dell devices.
  "lastEnrollmentTime": "A String", # Date and time the device was last enrolled (Read-only)
  "kind": "admin#directory#chromeosdevice", # Kind of resource this is.
  "deviceFiles": [ # List of device files to download (Read-only)
      "downloadUrl": "A String", # File download URL
      "type": "A String", # File type
      "createTime": "A String", # Date and time the file was created
      "name": "A String", # File name
  "notes": "A String", # Notes added by the administrator
  "serialNumber": "A String", # Chromebook serial number (Read-only)
  "manufactureDate": "A String", # (Read-only) The date the device was manufactured in yyyy-mm-dd format.
  "status": "A String", # status of the device (Read-only)
  "supportEndDate": "A String", # Final date the device will be supported (Read-only)
  "tpmVersionInfo": { # Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (Read-only)
    "specLevel": "A String", # TPM specification level.
    "tpmModel": "A String", # TPM model number.
    "vendorSpecific": "A String", # Vendor-specific information such as Vendor ID.
    "family": "A String", # TPM family.
    "firmwareVersion": "A String", # TPM firmware version.
    "manufacturer": "A String", # TPM manufacturer code.
  "model": "A String", # Chromebook Model (Read-only)
  "deviceId": "A String", # Unique identifier of Chrome OS Device (Read-only)

  projection: string, Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.
    Allowed values
      BASIC - Includes only the basic metadata fields (e.g., deviceId, serialNumber, status, and user)
      FULL - Includes all metadata fields

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for Chrome Os Device resource in Directory API.
    "macAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on wifi network interface (Read-only)
    "lastSync": "A String", # Date and time the device was last synchronized with the policy settings in the G Suite administrator control panel (Read-only)
    "orderNumber": "A String", # Chromebook order number (Read-only)
    "annotatedLocation": "A String", # Address or location of the device as noted by the administrator
    "activeTimeRanges": [ # List of active time ranges (Read-only)
        "date": "A String", # Date of usage
        "activeTime": 42, # Duration in milliseconds
    "systemRamFreeReports": [ # Reports of amounts of available RAM memory (Read-only)
        "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
        "systemRamFreeInfo": [
          "A String",
    "annotatedAssetId": "A String", # AssetId specified during enrollment or through later annotation
    "firmwareVersion": "A String", # Chromebook firmware version (Read-only)
    "osVersion": "A String", # Chromebook Os Version (Read-only)
    "autoUpdateExpiration": "A String", # (Read-only) The timestamp after which the device will stop receiving Chrome updates or support
    "ethernetMacAddress0": "A String", # (Read-only) MAC address used by the Chromebook’s internal ethernet port, and for onboard network (ethernet) interface. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for some devices.
    "bootMode": "A String", # Chromebook boot mode (Read-only)
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
    "orgUnitPath": "A String", # OrgUnit of the device
    "recentUsers": [ # List of recent device users, in descending order by last login time (Read-only)
        "type": "A String", # The type of the user
        "email": "A String", # Email address of the user. Present only if the user type is managed
    "willAutoRenew": True or False, # Will Chromebook auto renew after support end date (Read-only)
    "ethernetMacAddress": "A String", # Chromebook Mac Address on ethernet network interface (Read-only)
    "meid": "A String", # Contains either the Mobile Equipment identifier (MEID) or the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) for the 3G mobile card in the Chromebook (Read-only)
    "annotatedUser": "A String", # User of the device
    "systemRamTotal": "A String", # Total RAM on the device [in bytes] (Read-only)
    "cpuStatusReports": [ # Reports of CPU utilization and temperature (Read-only)
        "reportTime": "A String", # Date and time the report was received.
        "cpuUtilizationPercentageInfo": [
        "cpuTemperatureInfo": [ # List of CPU temperature samples.
            "temperature": 42, # Temperature in Celsius degrees.
            "label": "A String", # CPU label
    "platformVersion": "A String", # Chromebook platform version (Read-only)
    "diskVolumeReports": [ # Reports of disk space and other info about mounted/connected volumes.
        "volumeInfo": [ # Disk volumes
            "volumeId": "A String", # Volume id
            "storageFree": "A String", # Free disk space [in bytes]
            "storageTotal": "A String", # Total disk space [in bytes]
    "dockMacAddress": "A String", # (Read-only) Built-in MAC address for the docking station that the device connected to. Factory sets Media access control address (MAC address) assigned for use by a dock. Currently this is only supported on the Dell Arcada / Sarien devices and the Dell WD19 / WD19TB Docking Station. It is reserved specifically for MAC pass through device policy. The format is twelve (12) hexadecimal digits without any delimiter (uppercase letters). This is only relevant for Dell devices.
    "lastEnrollmentTime": "A String", # Date and time the device was last enrolled (Read-only)
    "kind": "admin#directory#chromeosdevice", # Kind of resource this is.
    "deviceFiles": [ # List of device files to download (Read-only)
        "downloadUrl": "A String", # File download URL
        "type": "A String", # File type
        "createTime": "A String", # Date and time the file was created
        "name": "A String", # File name
    "notes": "A String", # Notes added by the administrator
    "serialNumber": "A String", # Chromebook serial number (Read-only)
    "manufactureDate": "A String", # (Read-only) The date the device was manufactured in yyyy-mm-dd format.
    "status": "A String", # status of the device (Read-only)
    "supportEndDate": "A String", # Final date the device will be supported (Read-only)
    "tpmVersionInfo": { # Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (Read-only)
      "specLevel": "A String", # TPM specification level.
      "tpmModel": "A String", # TPM model number.
      "vendorSpecific": "A String", # Vendor-specific information such as Vendor ID.
      "family": "A String", # TPM family.
      "firmwareVersion": "A String", # TPM firmware version.
      "manufacturer": "A String", # TPM manufacturer code.
    "model": "A String", # Chromebook Model (Read-only)
    "deviceId": "A String", # Unique identifier of Chrome OS Device (Read-only)